ICO woordenboek Truegame, online blockchain games of chance


Have you ever dreamed of winning lottery?
I bet you did at least once in your life.
There are frequent news about lotteries on media: who won it, how much was the winning, tax for winning is so intensive, lawsuit going on about ownership of the winning lotto, etc...
Personally, I have had a problem for traditional lottery system because I lost my lottery ticket before I check the winning numbers. I understand chance of 'my ticket' was extremely low but sometimes it gets me annoyed by repeated 'what if it was the winning'. Despite these thoughts, I already tried to search for it and had to admit it is gone.
What is TrueGame?
TrueGame is a gambling platform that are working in blockchain-based but it is the first of its kind that manage to fully working iGaming project. It is one of the online casino that can operate in an automated, very transparent to the users and secure manner has the ability to earn instant credibility from the gambling community. Users can play more a dozens of game online which includes the cards, lotteries, price draws, dice and etc. Using blockchain and smart contracts would be very advantageous especially for a gaming project because it is decentralized so there would be less chances of fraud or bribery.
The vision of the team behind Truegame is to provide a gaming or gambling platform that would promote transparency, honesty and reliability to its users.
The strongest points of the platform are:
  •        security that is achieved via smart contracts;
  •        multiple benefits for token holders;
  •        regular lotteries with Jackpots for users;
  •        the fully integrated platform allowing adding any game, payment system, etc;
  •        increased speed for transactions with the reduced cost.
With my experience in gambling online, i take risk in dice game with one of the gambling site and i won’t mention its site. As other say, the greater the risk, the greater the feeling of fulfillment if ever we succeed. That is why we are very much hooked on the idea of gambling. Winning some money is kind of amaze us with just a little of capital and has a possibility of winning such a huge of money. It defends on you if you are a risk taker or not.

Truegame team
Named below are the team members who are involved with Truegame and the experience they have.
CEO (Director): Dmitry Danilov
Experience in online retail at the Ottogroup, known in the Netherlands by: Zalando, Otto, Klingel and BonPrix. He is also an investor in startups and real estate. He has extensive experience in setting up online businesses and managing teams that work at a distance from each other.
CMO (Marketing Director): Dmitry Shchuvatov
10 years of global experience in performance marketing. This is marketing, where the advertiser only pays when the advert reaches it’s goal, like affiliate marketing.
Qualities of the other team members:
  • Affiliate marketing and e-mail marketing
  • Affiliate marketing, media and communication in the gambling industry
  • Advertising, digital marketing and organizing large business events
  • Expert in listing cryptocurrency on crypto exchanges
  • Financial analyst
  • Blockchain developer with extensive computer software experience.
  • Algorithm developer
  • Website developer, specialized in the front end of the website.
  • UX designer: focuses on improving the user experience of websites.
  • All-round website developer
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Online gaming, blockchain companies and IT projects
  • Managing communication, PR and obtaining licenses in the gambling industry
  • Management, product development and advisor in the gambling industry
  • Blockchain
  • Legal side of the crypto world
  • Entrepreneurship and raising funds for online businesses, online gaming, crypto and emerging technologies.
  • Online gaming
  • ICO marketing
Many of you would ask on where would the money goes and what will they do on that? I will show you the token distribution and where will be the funds goes to. In token distribution the 70% will go to crowdsale, 15% for the team, 10% as a reserve, 4% goes to advisory boards and the remaining 1% will be in the bounty.

For the funds distribution the 45% will be used to attract more players to the platform by marketing, to those people who support, referral and to those who attract big time players all over the globe. The 33% will be a jackpot percentage which give us confidence to hit that jackpot already because of high allocation. The remaining 22% will be used for development and for legal purposes.

TrueGame’s team is seems to be the one of the strongest part of this project. It consists of 19 experts with its different level of categories. We cannot question with their ability on developing the TrueGame platform and for the upcoming plans of the project.

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