MERCULET - helps enterprises grow their businesses by creating a virtuous feedback ecosystem and the redistribution of the trillion-dollar value-driven economy

Blockchain technology enables users and entrepreneurs, users and users, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs to collaborate efficiently via mathematics and code without having to rely on a large number ofintermediaries and middlemen. This will disrupt the investor-consumer-producer relation globally! We are living in an era with an oversupply of information towards consumers. The excessive information not only becomes a burden to corporate growth but also inefficiently bottlenecks the user traffic. The creation of Merculet utilizes the blockchain technology, which focuses on the transformation from the Internet of Information to the Internet of Value. Merculet uses blockchain technology to transform the relations between consumers, producers, and investors. It allows users to monetize their attention. Meanwhile, it also helps enterprises grow their businesses by creating a virtuous feedback ecosystem and the redistribution of the trillion-dollar value-driven economy. Merculet has built an Attention Value Network (token: MVP). It connects both the supply and demand sides of attention with an open protocol suite to promote a virtuous circulation of the Internet of Value. There are three core components:
1) The UAV (User Attention Value) evaluation system will scientifically measure the value of the user's attention while seamlessly integrating with traditional rewardpoint systems.
2) UATs (User Attention Tokens), which is the designated tokens for each entrepreneur. The UAT will be anchoring the baNTIONsic MVP, enabling the synergy and the value exchange between entrepreneurs.
3) Open Content Platform will be built based on consensus and driven by tokens, becoming the sources of user attention, and encouraging all the users in the ecosystem to actively promote the virtuous cycle of the global content ecosystem as participants. Merculet has defined partnership with some reliable partners for actual business practice, such as Elex, with years of focus on overseas game distribution; Solo Ads, with years of overseas traffic operation, commercialization of advertisements with a well-developed product matrix; MagicWindow, with years of experience of providing smart content distribution services to entrepreneurs.

The Merculet consists of a series of protocols and DApp (decentralized apps). Some protocols are as follows:

ATP: Tokenisasi protocol
ATP Attention - to digitize user behavior, evaluate attention and translate user attention to effective work evidence (PoW).
ARP: remuneration for attention protocol
It rewards users according to the frequency of attention; including: standard access protocols, rule development protocols, budget distribution protocols, accounting protocols and reporting.
UCP: Universal Content Protocols Contains
a group of sub-protocols to support the entire content distribution process, including content import protocols, content export protocols, content consumption, content distribution protocol evaluation, and billing protocols.
UIP: Universal Identity Protocol
It combines all ID services for the distribution of users, content, business, and other identifiers.
Merculet provides a complete solution that helps entrepreneurs take off their UAT token to compensate users. The UAT will bind the basic Merkulet token, MVP, to different levels, which will ensure synergies and value exchanges between entrepreneurs (while tokens used in the network can not be sold in the token market)
MVP features
MVP has the following features:
• The total number is limited
• Multiple distribution scenarios
• Broad target audience
MVP can deepen the transformation and evaluation of user value and gradually direct the exchange of values.
As for MVP Distribution, it, as a basic Merculet token, passes through the entire system and is used by various owners: entrepreneurs, users, content participants and advertisers.
2018 Q 1
Perfect technique for improving users;
Design of price point concept (AVN) and POC control;
2018 Q 2
Token MVP;
Release of AVN system β1 (including UAV 1.0 system and UAT 1.0 system) and β1 application market;
Open Product Platform Product Content;
At least one of the partners is on the platform (ELEX) and completes testing for more than 15 partners;
2018 Q 3
Release AVN system β2, Attention
Purse β1, UAT Application Market
Version 1.1 and Open Content Platform β1;
2018 Q 4
Release Attention Purse β2 & Open Content Platform β2;
Maintain exchange between UAT;
AVN (Network Attention Value Network) 1.0 on the platform.
2019 Q 1
Location and content internationalization;
Localization of product functions;
To enrich the MVP scenario and distribution of trade add-ons.
2019 Q2
Disclosed content site:
The degree consensus mechanism is practical
Updating basic technological processes;
2019 Q 3
Token name: MVP
Volume: 10 billion MVP
Softcap: 10,000 ETH
Hardcap: 31,000 ETH
ETH 1 ETH = 87,500 MVP
Minimum contribution: 0.1 ETH
Starting March 20, 2018
End of April 16, 2018.


The project has a strong and highly qualified team, which I think is able to bring the project to the highest level in the shortest time possible and I hope they succeed.

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