ZYPCOIN TOKEN OFFERING : Patented new mobile product

ZYPLINE SERVICES INC. has completed and patented a unique connection platform along with several browser and mobile applications that it is launching in the ENTERPRISE and SMB markets.  
These are very unique products that we believe are not found anywhere in the market.  They display information about a business, directly and instantly on screens of inbound callers, as posted or approved by the owner of a phone number. Content is displayed while the phone is ringing, in voice mail or even if terminated. In addition, using the same number, content can be viewed on various browser apps. Customers, callers, and visitors see that same up-to-date information instantly. 

ICO Opens New Market Opportunity

With the advent of the new distributed processes, blockchain, smart contracts, and cryptocurrency, ZYPLINE sees a major opportunity to be able to offer its products beyond ENTERPRISE and SMB markets and plans to adjust its technology and products and deploy them for the huge underserved open global “white market” of sole proprietors, home businesses, and artisans around the world. With just their phone number as identifier, ZYPLINE can get anyone from their “Garage To Global Markets”.

New App-Token

To properly address this market ZYPLINE plans to issue Zypcoin, a new “app-token” to repurpose existing applications, develop new applications and deploy a unique distributor/agent strategy that matches the needs and processes of this sector.  The result will enable this large global market to benefit from online business, product and service displays and to even participate in global E-commerce with just their mobile number and without the expense and hassle of a website.
Zypcoin can bridge the existing digital divide with the world’s simplest posting solution. The platform can be used to upload any file in any format and set user’s mobile number as locator or URL. It gives millions of individuals and businesses online pages that they would not otherwise have. Zypcoin is planning an ICO for a new “app-token” to address the underserved market segment of sole proprietors, home businesses and artisans around the world, enabling them to benefit from global E-commerce with just their mobile number.

Zypline Connection Platform

The Zypcoin token applications are built on the ZYPLINE patented connection-engine platform that provides a one-step direct connection to any online content or page from any user controlled proprietary index, e.g. mobile number. The user has total control of index assignment.  ZYPLINE is not a search engine — it is a connection engine. This connection method delivers only one result from an inquiry does not present any intermediate steps or choices and does not contain navigation steps whatsoever. The ZYPLINE connection platform is not a competitor to standard search engines like Google or Yahoo. It is complimentary and the two services, search and connect can be integrated. 

Target Market Segment

While the internet seems to be a central part of everyone’s life, it’s hard to imagine that there are many businesses that are still not online because there is no internet service available, or building a conventional web site is too complex as it means learning technology, engaging consultants and incurring a monthly expense.   This is easy to understand for the developing world, but it is worth noting that even in the USA with all the available infrastructure and support, GoDaddy reports that over 50% of small businesses have no websites or Facebook pages.   
Bank of America / Merrill Lynch has identified this segment as an untapped market of billions that represent about $56 trillion E-commerce market for these billions of people who are primarily without full internet services.
The Zypcoin system caters to the large market segment that currently does not have an online presence, which currently includes about 45% of the world which lacks internet service, plus a segment that has internet but lacks necessary resources. Having an online presence is a critical requirement in today’s markets — regardless the size of the company — because consumers want to research a person or business online before they call. However, for a variety of reasons, a majority of the global workforce does not have an online presence.  Zypcoin solves this problem by providing simple online pages and E-commerce for the “Rest of world”.
Recent US government statistics show that 54% of small businesses (16 million) in the US do not have a web site; add consultants and freelancers (estimated at 55 million) and the number is significantly larger.  So making a call and, for example, having business hours automatically displayed would be a powerful convenience and major time saver.
Around the world the amounts are even higher. Currently the “informal work force” is estimated at least 60% of all workers worldwide. While about half of the world’s 7.5 billion people do not have internet access, in contrast, there are over 6.5 billion mobile subscriptions.  
This is a well deserving and valuable market segment. These artisans work hard and produce a product or service but have limited access to technology; but all substantially have a mobile phone.
This is an unusual moment and an unusual opportunity. The historically best opportunities are when the technology hits a large open white space market whose time has come.  The global informal market has become comfortable with technology and understands its power and application. ZYPLINE benefits from these new market realities; this is the target market and sweet spot for its Zypcoin token offering.

Current Situation

Zypcoin has existing products and applications that will be modified for this target market.  These products will be the immediate focus of development and will be available in 2 quarter 2018.  Subsequent to the initial adjustments to the base products, Zypcoin plans to develop many add-on products and applications and make them available to their global network.
ZYPLINE is seeking to raise up to $5.0 million, a soft cap, via its Zypcoin token offering (ICO). 

General Market Targets
 ZYPLINE is a horizontal solution that is useful and deployable for all industries across all global market segments; it is our plan to make it available to all individuals who have a phone number and want to display information online for offerings, products or services. While ZYPLINE can cater to virtually anyone with a mobile phone, the target market is the segment that currently does not have an online presence which includes about 45% of the population who currently lack home internet service. Additionally, the segment of sole proprietors and small business who have internet but lack the necessary resources to establish themselves online. Having an online presence is a critical requirement in today͛s borderless markets -- regardless the size of the company -- because consumers typically want to research a person or business online before they call. For a variety of reasons however, a majority of the global workforce does not have an online presence. Zypcoin solves this problem by providing simple online pages and e-commerce solutions for the ͞rest of the world͟. 
B2b Market Segment
 While there does not seem to be any limit to markets that Zypcoin can support, its focus is on the expanding and under-served market of millions of street vendors, sole proprietors, home businesses and service providers. The majority currently reside offline, but Zypcoin provides these individuals a method to establish an online presence, helping them to expand their network and conduct e-commerce activities in the global markets. Zypcoin terms this market plan B2b.
Internet Penetration
 As of March 2017, almost half of the global population had general access to the internet. In contrast, there are over 6 billion mobile subscriptions representing about 4.5 billion mobile users. While the growth and continued adoption of the internet has been significant, 50% of the population is still without internet; which has been identified as a huge new available market. These individuals would love to establish an online presence but are missing the general requirements and technical knowledge to do so. Zypcoin takes advantage of the portability laws which allow phone numbers to be ͚proprietary͛ and leverages them as a personal, persistent digital index. Zypcoin provides the developing markets an online experience and acts a stepping stone from the basic feature phones to additional services. 

Small Business Markets Factors
 To put the market landscape into perspective, it is useful to look at data on specific segments. In the United States, there are almost 28 million small businesses, 22 million of which are selfemployed with no additional payroll or employees (also known as non-employers).  There are about 22.5 million non-employer firms in the US  52% of all small businesses are home-based  Approximately 75% of all U.S. businesses are non-employer businesses; 19.4 million are sole proprietorships, 1.6 million are partnerships and 1.4 million are corporations  The fastest growing sector is for freelancers such as auto repair shops, makeup artists, caterers, etc., estimated at 55 million in the US alone. 

Informal Markets
 An important market for Zypcoin is the large, informal segment. According to the International Organization of Labor, the definition of informal employment is primarily household, unincorporated enterprises that do not have a complete set of accounts and are not registered with a government agency. In most developing countries, informal employment is a larger component of the workforce than formal employment. Estimates show that informal employment comprises more than half of non-agricultural employment in most developing countries: 

Expected use of revenue:
Product / Software Development (35%) Most direct fundraising revenues into product and software development and includes funds that help Zypcoin innovate and innovate its product offerings.

Marketing (25%)
Marketing is an important business activity that drives users and partners to a business or product. This part of the budget is reserved for expenses related to awareness raising for ZYPLINE.

Operations / General and Administration (30%)
These funds are channeled into the company's main operating costs, which ensure sustainable growth and organization.

Law & Contingency (10%)
Part of this budget is foreseen for unexpected or legal costs.

Contact information

For additional documents and product demonstrations, please contact:

Barbara Bernard, Director of Marketing Communications
640 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301
Barbara@ZYPLINE.com / +1.908.272.5336

For technical support and to report bugs and suggestions: Tech@ZYPLINE.com

For information on partnerships and joint application development: Frank@ZYPLINE.com

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