L-Pesa - Intelligent Contract Loans That Allow People All Over The Internet To Grow Their Business And Become A Growing Entrepreneur

L-Pesa Microfinance is a fintech startup poised to take advantage of the fast-growing need for financial services in the developing world. L-Pesa has a strong focus on automation. 95% of the users acquisition and loan underwriting process is automated and therefore extremely scalable. The company has spent two years developing its customer-facing and back
office systems using a team of seven software developers.

L-Pesa's technology stack is built on top of Amazon Web Services, an extremely scalable on-demand cloud computing platform which has been used by major brands such as Netflix, Airbnb, Pinterest, and Spotify. L-Pesa has integrated a number of third party applications to perform tasks such as SMS messaging, user verification, and marketing. Funds transfers are handled via integrations with mobile money service providers such as M-Pesa, Airtel Money, Tigo Pesa, and MTN.

The idea for L-Pesa was incubated for a decade, and business was launched at the time four important market forces gathered to allow scaling:
◆ Large Data, Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain

◆ Alternative Credit Data
◆ Cellular Technology
◆ Biometric identity

►L-Pesa has leveraged this market power and built proprietary credit technology and modeling models that enable it to microlend quickly in developing countries while maintaining a loss ratio below 10%. The solution is highly automated, allowing small back office teams to support high-volume loan origi- cations. All loans are serviced by L-Pesa.
►L-Pesa has a strong focus on automation. 95% of the acquisition and acquisition process as well as underwriting by automatic users are highly scalable. The company has spent two years developing a customer-facing system and back office system using a team of seven software developers. The user experience is based on the mobile and web interface, and marketing is mainly done through social media and SMS.
►The L-Pesa technology builds on Amazon Web Services, a highly scalable on-demand cloud computing platform that has or has been used by major brands such as Netflix, Airbnb, Pinterest, and Spotify. L-Pesa has integrated a number of third-party applications to perform tasks such as SMS messaging, user verification, and marketing. Fund transfers are handled through integration with mobile money service providers such as M-Pesa, Airtel Money, Tigo Pesa, and MTN.
►L-Pesa has issued more than 38,000 loans since it aired in March 2016. More than 170,000 users have signed up based on social marketing campaigns with a minimum budget. The marketing strategy has been refined over the last 24 months, and L-Pesa is now ready to launch a marketing campaign via SMS and social media with a conservative projected $ 1.00 conservative project cost estimate.

L-Pesa Token is built in the Ethereum blockchain which allows holders to use L-Pesa financial tools at a reduced cost.

L-Pesa is a technology financial platform that provides new financial tools for consumers and small businesses in Africa and Asia.

Microloans, the first tool on the L-Pesa platform, allows users to start or grow businesses, pay for education, or otherwise support their ambitions in life.

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Why you should trust L-Pesa

The first thing you will notice once you meet L-Pesa customers is the joy that they have after using the Service. If you never use this service, or meet someone who has, you may be skeptical about exactly how it works. Well, there are several reasons that you should trust L-Pesa.

Allocation of Token

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