DISCIPLINA is as follows to provide a solution of LIVE POINT

About DISCIPLINA by TeachMePlease
In this paper we analyze the main issues that arise from storing educational records in blockchain and propose the architecture of the Disciplina platform – a domain-specific blockchain implementation. The platform is designed to act as a decentralized ledger, with special regard for privacy and mechanisms of data disclosure. We present an overview of the main entities, their roles and incentives to support the network. Please note that the project is a work-in-progress and the descriptions provided are subject to change.
Recent advances in blockchain technology and decentralized consensus systems open up new pos- sibilities for building untamperable domain-specific ledgers with no central authority. Since the launch of Bitcoin blockchains had been primarily used as a mechanism for value transfers. With the growth of the Ethereum platform, the community realized that by using a chain of blocks and consensus rules one can not only store value and track its movement, but, more generally, store some state and enforce conditions upon which this state can be modified.
Bitcoin, Ethereum and other permissionless blockchains were developed with the assumption that everyone is free to join the network and validate transactions, that are public. However, the industry often requires privacy, and thus the permissive solutions with private ledgers came to exist. These solutions include Tendermint, Hyperledger, Kadena and others.
The increased interest and the variety of the blockchain technologies lead to the growth of their application domains. The idea of storing educational records in the blockchain has been circulating in the press and academic papers for several years. For example, and focus on the online education and propose to create a system based on the educational smart contracts in a public ledger. Recently, Sony announced a project that aims at incorporating educational records in a permissioned blockchain based on Hyperledger. The ledger is going to be shared between major offline educational institutes.

To create a multifunctional blockchain to maintain an integrated list of academic results and qualifications to generate a scoring system for each of our platform users.
To create a universal blockchain that will save personal achievements in digital form and ensure their immortality and credibility.
To offer effective algorithms for candidate searching based on their area of expertise.
To develop data monetization mechanisms maintained by educational institutions
Public layers Public segments provide access to data that verifies the integrity of the private chain and the reliability of data stored by the network

Witnesses examined the validity of segments in private blockchain from educational institutions. They will manage a public block chain, where the data created in each school is hashed. Witnesses will not have access to the data itself, only to the hash of data.

Recruiters and other interested parties are offered paid access to information about academic history and student achievement.

Private layer. Private segments do not allow any data except hashes to open access. This is done to store personal and personal data of users, as well as copyrighted material or commercial confidentiality.

Educational institutions. An educational institution is an online and offline state or private organization conducting any and all educational activities. Private tutors are also included. It can even be a simple market that offers sales of learning materials. Each educational institution has its privacy network and the opportunity to monetize the educational records stored there.
When it comes to the sale of personal data, it is important to ensure the integrity of the transaction. Our team has developed a protocol that ensures valid data transmission in return for transactions in cryptocurrency. When an educational institution sends unverified data in a public blockchain (eg, if the student's value is updated) to the buyer, the buyer does not lose the money, but the educational institution is fined a fixed amount. At the same time, there will be no disclosure of data transmitted to third parties, as only anonymized data section of the data should be disclosed.

Crowdsale information

DSCP tokens are based on the ERC20 standard, they will be distributed during the crowdsale and will later be converted to original tokens after the launch of DISCIPLINA MainNet.

The DSCP Token is planned to be used as a payment instrument on TeachMePlease in the second quarter of 2018

To take part in crowdsale, each prospective participant must register on account.disciplina.io using their email address.

Each participant will be through identity verification (KYC / AML). If you are a US citizen, you must also confirm your status as an "accredited investor".

7 000 ETH
34,000 ETH or $ 15,000,000
which will be raised first
We accept
The token price during the campaign
1 DSCP = 0.0005 ETH
Maximum token volume issued (including bonus from original participant)
≈ 95 000 000 DSCP
Minimum purchase volume: 20 000 DSCP

Maximum purchase volume: unlimited


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