RxEAL - Solusi terbaru untuk membuat pasar real estat lebih menguntungkan

RXEAL Ini adalah respons yang sangat diinginkan untuk pertahanan deposito keamanan sewa. Ini memperlakukan platform untuk penyimpanan deposito sedikit keandalan dan solusi perselisihan, berpusat di industri real estate dan sektor otomotif. RxEAL tidak menghilangkan perusahaan dari pemasok biasa, tetapi sebaliknya, solusi RxEAL menciptakan nilai tambah, menggantikan biaya dan mengurangi waktu yang didedikasikan untuk pasar penyewaan yang paling penting di seluruh dunia.

Setoran cerdas tanpa kepercayaan

Kontrak cerdas ini memecahkan masalah ketidakpercayaan dalam pengiriman uang jaminan kepada lawan untuk hak asuh mereka. Kontrak cerdas akan memastikan bahwa deposit disimpan dengan aman di dalam rantai blok Ethereum selama berlangsungnya perjanjian.

Setoran keamanan sebagai aset

Apakah Anda ingin dana setoran Anda bernilai jauh lebih banyak daripada yang didepositkan di awal atau Anda ingin stabilitas mata uang fiat yang lebih besar dan masih menikmati teknologi blockchain? Apa pun keputusan Anda, RxEAL menutupnya dengan setoran cerdas di ETH yang tumbuh cepat
RxEAL is here with a better deal which provides the best solution for the real estate and car rental businesses. An approach based on the blockchain technology which allows easy transaction of assets between engaging parties. Ethereum based smart contracts are utilised to create trust and security on the platform.
The smart contract is signed between the engaging parties before the deal is signed and that is stored in the ethereum blockchain. If in any case, the dispute arises between the engaging parties, an independent panel of arbitrage, who are expert and qualified people, exist on the platform. They will be awarded Rxeal tokens for their service.
To create this platform, they are seeking public participation. The presale is currently live and you can participate in ETH. The RXL tokens presale will end on 15th February 2018. A special giveaway for early participants exists on the platform.one ETH is equal to 2400 RXL.
The main ICO will start from 19th February 2018 and continue until 21st March 2018. The funds will be utilised according to the presented roadmap. The development of the platform will be one of the primary aims of the team. The experts of blockchain technology and real estate business are part of the team. A mix of experience and talent exists in the team.

To showcase their commitment to the platform and problem, they have launched a Platform demo of the solution, which anyone can try. As the market for the rental business grows and spreads its wings, we will require a reliable platform like RxEAL, which not only helps easy dispute resolution but advances the path for the mass adoption of the cryptocurrency in the industry. It can be thought as the latest addition to the long list of the innovative application based on the blockchain technology. People go through different phases in life and having a secure platform which helps them earn with safety and security is the requirement of each generation.
We cannot help but notice that their project expansion in the countries like The USA and The UK would be the perfect market for the application like RxEAL. "Gain from Tomorrow", which is investing in the right opportunity at the right time helps you reap great rewards. They wish to become the next stop for every rental transaction by providing an ecosystem for the entire rental business. I can say that they are going to bring immediate changes in the rental market if the platform delivers what it promises. So, are you ready to invest in the application and technology of today, which brings trust and transparency in the rental market?


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