
Privelege Coin n'est pas seulement une crypto-monnaie, ni un instrument de paiement officiel dans le royaume de Privelege, vous pouvez payer pour les services et les biens de nos citoyens, des consultations médicales aux vêtements.

Privelege Coin agit principalement en tant que membre de la micronation, ce qui permet au propriétaire du plus grand nombre de cryptocurrencies de siéger au comité consultatif et de guider ainsi le développement de la micronation.

Dans l'avenir, après avoir collecté de l'argent de la crypto-monnaie de Privelege Coin, Privelege prévoit d'acheter l'île elle-même pour créer un paradis sans taxe.

Pourquoi Privilege Coin?

  • Stable

Crypto-monnaie Privilege Coin sera basé sur micronation et la quantité est prédéterminée, sans la possibilité d'ajouter des pièces de monnaie.

  • Construit en ETH

Privilege Coin est basé sur la blockchain Ethereum, qui garantit l'accès aux dernières opportunités de développement

  • Accepté

En utilisant Privilege Coin, vous payez pour les services offerts par le Royaume et les citoyens

  • Collectif

La Banque soutient le développement du marché du financement hypothécaire en étendant les lignes de crédit à moyen et long terme aux institutions financières éligibles dans les pays membres.

  • Safe

Privilege Coin est basé sur Blockchain Ethereum qui assure la stabilité des transactions

The following activities are intended for groups as small as 10 to 60 groups. For groups larger than 60 people, it is recommended to conduct several sessions with additional facilitators to ensure conversations and activities stay focused. The Diversity Toolkit described here can be used as a guide and can be modified to better fit your group's unique needs.

Note for facilitator: The facilitator should really understand the topics and themes we will discuss, but they do not need to be experts.

Facilitator's Sensitivity
The facilitator will experience and handle the feelings that come with confronting participants' notions of identity, privilege, race and sexuality.

The facilitator should emphasize that what is shared during the workshop is private and confidential. Participants can talk about how the workshop affected them personally and what they learned in general, but they must respect the privacy of personal information from other participants.

 The dominant member of a social group privileged by a birth or acquisition that consciously or unconsciously exploits and reaps an unfair advantage over the members of the target group.

 Members of a group of social identities who are discriminated against, marginalized, deprived of their rights, oppressed, exploited by oppressive systems and anonymous oppressive systems apart from the target group, and segregated in the prescribed roles.
Once the participants understand the difference between the agent and the target group, the facilitator can begin a discussion of the persecution.

 The main features of the persecution are:
The agent group has the power to define and name reality, and determine what is normal, real and true.
Different and unbalanced treatments are institutionalized and systematic.
Target group psychological colonization occurs through the oppressed socialization to internalize their oppressed conditions.
The culture, language, and history of target groups are misunderstood, discounted or eradicated, and the dominant group culture is enforced.

Notre idée

Privelege Coin n'est pas seulement une crypto-monnaie, ni un instrument de paiement officiel dans le royaume de Privelege, vous pouvez payer pour les services et les biens de nos citoyens, des consultations médicales aux vêtements.

Privelege Coin agit principalement en tant que membre de la micronation, ce qui permet au propriétaire du plus grand nombre de cryptocurrencies de siéger au comité consultatif et de guider ainsi le développement de la micronation.

Dans l'avenir, après avoir collecté de l'argent de la crypto-monnaie de Privelege Coin, Privelege prévoit d'acheter l'île elle-même pour créer un paradis sans taxe.

Completing this training is not the end, but only the beginning. Hopefully, this device has helped create a new understanding among your participants. Individuals must learn about their own identity and the people around them, as well as the socially constructed labeling implications and stereotypes of individual experiences.
Those interested in this type of work may be interested in a career in social work, facilitation, advocacy or sociology. At the end of the training, the facilitator should be prepared to provide additional resources for participants who want to learn more about issues of identity, power, and privilege. Below we cite some sources to help you get started.



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