INGOT Coin is the first fully integrated blockchain-based Wallet with a Digital Bank, Brokerage, Exchange, Certifier, and Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Accelerator; all rolled into a holistic ecosystem which rewards token holders and cryptocurrency market participants for using it and contributing to it, in addition to granting them the opportunity to invest in a wide- ranging list of cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies, stocks, as well as other financial assets and instruments. INGOT coin is a decentralized cryptocurrency which provides benefits and discounts within the ecosystem itself. IC will be based on ERC20 technology.

The Blockchain Revolution
The IC Ecosystem will be based on the blockchain technology and will utilize
Smart Contracts to facilitate the execution of different contracts, while
eradicating the need for intermediaries and external interferences that restrict
investors from fully engaging in all markets. By adopting blockchain, we are
creating a specialized ecosystem that will substantially increase customers’
confidence, market liquidity and -most importantly- provide efficient market
pricing and access to funds for all variety of stakeholders.
The IC Ecosystem will transform trades, settlements and payments and make
them instant, bringing together different necessary components and cutting out
third party intermediaries who usually delay the process and increase
associated costs.
Moreover, blockchain will wipe out the need for clearing houses as all data
ledgering will be decentralized and transparent to all market participant,
opposite to the current centralized market. The blockchain will increase security
for investors by using smart contracts. These contracts will be used on the
various tradable instruments in the Ecosystem to ensure faster transactions
with lower costs.
The use of smart contracts has led most industries to think of ways to improve
their services. While some industries are currently adopting the technology,
others are trailing behind by not following suit. By utilizing smart contracts,
different industries are working towards minimizing cost and time and
maximizing global reach and transparency. In the financial industry, smart
contacts embedded in the ecosystem lead to the development in verification,
transaction and exchange, resulting in a more secure, transparent and efficient
market for participants

Lack of trust in Crypto Markets
The difficulty of transferring current holdings to the crypto markets in terms of
diversification, liquidity, bias to price discrimination and lack of consistently
available market services, has deemed the exponentially growing market
unreliable to prospective participants and in turn limiting them from entering.
Moreover, the lack of knowledge in the market about blockchain, smart
contracts and the variety of possible useful implications, have caused the
participants to turn down profitable investment opportunities.

IC Solution: IC Ecosystem
INGOT Coin will create a complete solution by integrating 6 core ecosystem
components and providing a one-stop-shop for the digital asset, traditional
asset and currency markets to solve all the above-mentioned challenges, thus,
creating a link between the crypto market and the traditional market. The IC
Ecosystem will establish 6 different components to work hand in hand under
one umbrella, providing all community members the chance to capitalize on
upcoming opportunities in all markets. The Ecosystem’s components, as shown
below, are the IC Wallet, IC Exchange, IC Brokerage, IC Digital Bank, IC
Certifier and IC ICO Accelerator.

IC Digital Bank in Depth
Many functions are integrated with our banking systems. However, nowadays,
banking hours neither meet the needs nor the timeliness of the execution of
functions needed by market participants. Therefore, creating a bank that will be
digitally based, available 7/24, able to operate as a custodial and manage
clients’ funds will be a cornerstone to this project.
To build trust, IC will obtain a financial banking license from a highly reputable,
strict regulator that will ensure safe and smooth transactions. Once obtained,
the IC Community will be able to enjoy a legally compliant entry and exit points
to the crypto markets as well as a safe place to store and manage their personal
funds in an internationally recognized and licensed institution.

E-Payment Solutions and Debit Cards
IC Digital Bank will offer a broad range of services including a current account
that will act as a fiat wallet enabling users to transact within the Ecosystem or
outside it. Also, the bank will provide e-payment solutions that will come at a
low cost while including quick and efficient reporting. Additionally, IC Digital
Bank will provide debit cards for all current account holders which will be used
for making purchases. The debit cards will have access to the IC Wallets and
the IC Digital Bank current account. The clients will have a choice of method of
payment, and the receiver, if they were part of the Ecosystem will have the
choice of currency to receive, that is, in fiat or crypto. All E-payments and debit
card transactions will be subject to a double verification process.
Clients will be able to pay online and in stores using their own cards. The
Ecosystem cards will provide the option to pay using your IC Digital Bank
account, IC Wallet or the IC Brokerage account. The double verification process
comes in while you are paying, you will receive a confirmation message on your
smartphone. If no response was made within a predetermined time frame, the
transaction will be voided.

IC ICO Accelerator in Depth

A specialized shop that will assist blockchain projects issue their ICOs. The
Accelerator will offer professional services for supporting ICOs creation through
collaboration with advisors, law firms and specialized marketing companies, all
the way to listing successful ICOs on the exchange.
ICO Feasibility Studies & Financial Plans
The financial advisory function will translate ICO seekers’ ideas into a financial
model, combining assumptions, factors and growth rates to reflect a financial
vision bearing in mind both relative & relevant financial ratios and figures such

ICO Concept & Strategy

A rating process will be undertaken for the team, terms and conditions, token
and the underlying concept of the proposed ICO. A comprehensive advisory
service will be provided to the proposed ICO in terms of initial offering, layers
and brackets. Whitepaper drafting service will be provided, from abstract all the
way to legal wording and jurisdiction coverage.
We will provide an extensive look into the roadmap of the project as a whole to
make sure that milestones presented in the whitepaper are SMART (Specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Relevant & Timely), achievable and transparent.
Website undertaking, including but not limited to building the underlying
technology, designing and content customization. IC ICO Accelerator will
produce a website that highlights the whitepaper and its concept and the team
behind it. Efficient token distribution strategy blueprint will be drawn and
customized based on the nature, need, specification and industry complexity of
each proposed ICO.

Our community reach is vast and extensive, offering a wide range of advisors,
investors outreach for both pre ICOs & ICOs, and Business Development
experts. With the investor database ever growing, coordination of potential
investors will provide bigger opportunities for Seed, Angel & VC funding.

Our Road Map

The Token
Token Summary

The Exchange will charge a preferred rate on all transactions paid by our coin,
compared to payments done by other major cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies.
INGOT will distribute coin dividends once the company is mature and profitable.
This increases the attractiveness of the coin in the initial phases and in the long
The maximum number of tokens that will be distributed will be 120,000,000 IC.
In case tokens were not all sold once all the ICO ends, all unsold tokens will
enter a burning program as per the smart contract.
Uses of the Token
This hybrid token serves as a utility and a security token. We will go into
extensive explanations of both beneficial areas.
Security benefits
The token holders will benefit from the growth of the Ecosystem’s returns. The
returns will be reflected on the price, in terms of Capital Gains and in terms of
Dividends. As one of the Ecosystem’s main objective is to satisfy token holders
and ensure their benefits are on the top of the objectives list, the reflection of
the returns on the price of IC will be mainly channeled through our dividends
program that will start after the Ecosystem is sustainable and profitable. As it is
currently in the market, companies that pay increasing amounts of dividends to
their shareholders will enjoy increase in stock or token prices. This is due to the
increase in attractiveness of the security as the returns on the price of the
security has increased. Along with some of the other cryptocurrencies, the
token will have limited supply, which will lead to fixing the supply while demand
can increase that will lead to capital gains for token holders.

Token and Fund Allocation
Token Allocation

Fund Allocation

Token Bonus, Discounts & Dates
Pre-ICO Discounts, Dates and Limits

INGOT Coin presale ICO will start on May 1st, 2018 and ends on
June 30th, 2018.
ICO Discounts, Dates and Limits
INGOT Coin ICO will start on July 1st, 2018 and ends on August 11th, 2018.
Each discount phase comes with a limit that restricts how much is invested at

a specific discount rate.

The dates and limits are provided in the table below:

The Token Distribution Phases
Tranche 1: Building the IC Ecosystem
Tranche 2: Building the Digital Commodity
The structure of proceeds utilization is designed to ensure the platform’s
profitability in the long run with minimal operational risks.
INGOT is committed to implement its strategy in the best interest of IC token
holders to insure growth of the project and token price while maintaining
efficient asset allocation and pricing respectively

The Business Model

INGOT`s strategy is based on attracting clients to its Ecosystem by providing a
pioneering exclusive service that is unmatched in the market. In the perspective
of trading facilities, this Ecosystem is like no other as it offers a highly liquid
exchange with highly competitive fees, provides a one stop shop for innovative
entrepreneurs and increases knowledge and awareness of the blockchain
technology. This will be achieved by global reach campaigns hand in hand with
concentrated and tailored marketing.


Total Industry Accounts taken was equal to double the number of Ethereum
and Bitcoin wallets. Our conservative measure for our market share of the total
industry was equal to 0.1%. Given the past year’s %200 growth rate of the
industry the even higher growth expectations, we kept it constant at the same
rate. Revenue to the Ecosystem will be flow from the IC Digital Bank, IC
Exchange, IC Brokerage, IC ICO Accelerator and IC Crypto Certifier. When
creating the financial model, we have considered the industry’s most
competitive charges and a constant non-growing market share. 

Total Crypto Trading Volumes included in the forecast are the sum of the largest
100 crypto exchanges available. However, the numbers that were inserted in
the forecast were kept pessimistic to provide the worst-case scenario as only

0.1% of these transactions are going through the IC Ecosystem. 

Our Board

Our Team

Our Advisors



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