AX1 the future in the production of crypto currency

AX1 is a technology that starts based on the British Isles, founded by a group of experts, including several disciplines of finance and technology. The initial goal was to open the market investor ICO AX1 Cryptocurency mining without technical knowledge and with those who already knew. To help implement this business, the company provided full two-story use in modern data centers in Manchester, England.. Furthermore, AX1 retains the ability to build additional specially constructed facilities in the north of the United Kingdom. AX1 has accumulated sufficient funds to obtain “soft” coverage through private pre-sales contracts. This loan will be used to purchase the AX1 database platform and related operations. Stuart Anderson, CEO of AX1, said. “Many regular investors last year seemed confused when they saw this business with Bitcoin and other currencies.We believe that market cryptomonedas could provide better and potentially more profitable methods to attract people not always the same level of technical knowledge with most mysterious investors.

What Is AX1?
AX1 is a British company based in Manchester that works with cryptocurrency mining. The company has created a cryptocurrency whose main objective is to give the users the chance to profit from mining many cryptocurrencies without actually needing to have any technical knowledge.

How AX1 Capital Appreciation Mining Token Works

Basically, the token holders are buying a stake in a centralized mining pool by acquiring the tokens. This mining pool is managed by a data center and the rewards for the mining are divided by the token holders and increase the value of the AX1 tokens.
The company also believes that the value of the coins will be improved by using both a proof of stake and proof of work system, having secondary markets, forward selling and large mined coin portfolio.
Also, AX1 can help in some of the problems that you might find while mining tokens. As more miners attempt to solve complex equations, it gets harder to mine blocks, so by buying the AX1 tokens, you will be able to use a data center for that instead of having to mine the cryptocurrency on your own. Also, the system lets the miners create dedicated mining pools for many different cryptocurrencies.
The main hook of this company is that there is a growing need for data centers because cryptocurrency mining is getting increasingly harder, so it is becoming difficult to mine at home. With access to AX1 tokens, anyone will be able to mine easily.

Why Use AX1?

Even if mining is becoming harder, AX1 defends the idea that by using a mining pool you can basically access to the right equipment that you need to profit from mining. Buying AX1 tokens is basically buying access to the mining facilities of the company.
The main benefits of using AX1 are that you avoid concentrating all your strategy and, therefore, your risks, in a single coin because the mining facility mines different tokens so if one of them crashes or something like that happens, you will be fully protected from the fallout if you decide to use AX1.
Also, the company offers mining adaptability meaning that you can switch mining rigs between coins quickly and research and development is constantly looking for solutions to mine more efficiently and to expand the operations and ensure the scalability of the company.
The Benefits AX1
Mining Adaptability
  • Ability to switch mining rigs between coins at short notice.
  • Strategic Advisory Committee directs focus only on coins most likely to increase in value.

Avoid over-concentration risk
  • Focus on mining several coins rather than just one.
  • Data centre layout ideal for demarcation between different coins.

Research & Development
  • Continual innovation using latest technology.
  • Major focus on R&D to stay ahead of the competition.

Operational Scalability
  • Expansion plan in place to build second data centre.
  • Back-up operation already established to handle any over-capacity.

Mining of crypto currency

Since the appearance of the crypto currency, it has not been long before. However, with each passing day more and more people begin to engage in the mining of kroti-coins. In the table below we presented the problems that the miners previously faced and showed what solutions AX1 provides.

ICO Details
Official website: .
Name of the token: AX1.
Platform: Ethereum.
Standard: ERC
Number of released tokens: 24,691,358 AX
Cost: 1 AX1 = 0.80 $.
Payment: ETH.
Soft cap: 1,250,000 AX1.
Hard cap: 22,222,222 AX1.

Advantages of AX1

Experts have tried to do more than just run another token, which will be available for production. Thanks to the responsible team, mining now will actually help create long-term capital.

The main advantages of AX1 include :
  • Adaptability. The ability to quickly switch between the produced coins in the shortest possible period. The Strategic Development Committee refers only to the most profitable coins.
  • Avoiding risks. Now at the same time you can focus on several types of coins, not just one.
  • Conducting research and development. Now only the most advanced technologies are actively used and implemented. The main focus is on R & D. This is necessary to constantly stay ahead of competitors.
  • Scalability. To process excess capacity, backup operations have already been built.
Road map
To date, specialists have managed to pass more than half the way. Now the project is at the stage of launching the ICO.

The project team
To control the whole process of coin mining, in the most effective way, the team developed a unique structure that allows to fully optimize the skills of individuals. Also, specialists provide a controlled structure for the work. The executive team consists of two subcommittees that allow you to effectively monitor and manage the daily activities of each function. This provides a reliable reporting mechanism, so the slightest shortcomings will be quickly detected. 

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